Krystalnacht and Ghetto Images

In 1938, using the pretence of revenge for the assassination of a minor German foreign minister in Paris, Nazi SA Stormtroopers were ecouraged to begin street violence against Jewish shops, synagogues, and institutions. In all, 200 synagogues were burned, homes were destroyed with axes and sledgehammers, people were thrown from windows into the street, kicked to death, beaten with fists and truncheons, stabbed, and shot. Torah scrolls, and Jewish works of history and philosophy were burned. The violence left 100 dead, and it was also at this time that nearly 1 in every ten of the Jews left in the German Reich were rounded up for detention in concentration camps such as Dachau. Krystalnacht occured on the night of November 9th.

Remains of a synagogue destroyed during Nazi Anti-Semitic riots, known as "Krystalnacht".
Despair in the Warsaw Ghetto
The following images were taken by German Werhmact Seargent Heinrich Jost, on an unauthorized visit to the Warsaw Ghetto, a tiny walled-in area which housed an estimated one third of the population of Warsaw (nearly half a million Jews), as well as Jews from other occupied locales. What he encountered there stunned him, making him to remark in later life, "Good God, what sort of a world is this?"
Disease, brought on by crowded and unsanitary living conditions, as well as starvation and the continued threat of violence from the Nazis, claimed nearly 16,000 lives in the summer of 1941 alone.
The following images document Heinrich Jost's tour of the Warsaw Ghetto.
Two children on the street, one dead from starvation.

Child lying dead in the street. Warsaw Ghetto.
A woman dies, begging on the street.

Too weak to walk, a child and it's mother are carried in a"rikshaw" device.
A soup kitchen in the Warsaw Ghetto. This woman eats a thin broth made from hay.This meagre meal was offered once a day, and fed an estimated 100,000 people.
Do you see this same destructive potential existing in America today? Immigration issues are quickly consuming the will to prevail through negative media reporting. As a people who know how quickly this negativity infects you must continue to remind that history has a way of repeating itself.
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